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Realizing Your Dreams

Age does not define what you are meant to be or do in life. One thing I know, it sure did not define mine. My name is Cindy and I am here to tell you that you are never to old to make your dream come true.

I have always been this positive, energetic person where, even working in a calling center, the people I spoke with on the phone, would soon tell me “keep on smiling”. And I believe that this smile and my positive attitude is what kept me going. But my little secret is inside I was not always smiling. There was time when I wish I had this person by my side who could just hug me tightly when I needed it the most. But it was not the case. I have been living a life as a single mom for over 15 years. 15 years that were not easy and with many struggles. Give up on dreams to itself so I could devote that life to my daughter, to make sure she was number one in every aspect of life. She finally grew up and left the home nest. It was time to rethink about those dreams again. The question was can I really begin doing this at 42 years old?

Not once did I sit down and dwell on my sorrows. Instead I decided to keep busy and do the best I could do. Which I did by doing this and that. But never the dream. I graduated high school wanted to conquer the world with its history and to be discouraged after 2 years of University. I wanted to learn all about the history of the world not just the local one, so I give that up. But the dream always remained. As a result, I decided to pursue a career where I could use my creativity, and got my diploma in interior designing. Which soon after I graduated found it was not enough. Going through many careers after that from being a solder in military, administration worker, business owner, and most of my working career had been spending it in a calling center doing varying roles. And not to mention the volunteer work I did in my community to teach Sunday school for kids. I soon realized, when I was teaching, I was in this world where nothing else mattered. A world I could be myself and enjoy having fun with the kids. Enjoyed working with kids so much that a face painting business was born. It allowed me to have a second income and was helping me with my creative mind (working in a calling center full time can be mentally challenging) and built it to be a successful business. Remarkably I develop a passion to work with kids. A passion that I think was always there but never realized it until a few years back.

Quietly I began to realize that I was creating a bigger dream for myself. Starting with meeting friends from all around the world (not only did I became a fanster of this most popular Korean actor, but I also became part of this international sisterhood). How crazy is that!! Then met a few foreigners who moved in my town and started teaching them English. This proceeded by teaching to students outside of my town and online across the world. I finally could see my dream coming clearer. I decided to act to finally conquer the world. This world that I have been dreaming about for 25 years.

About a year ago I started learning Korean, a third language to add to my curriculum. I have to say, learning a new language at 43 is not easy. I shut down my face painting business and I enrolled in a TEFL class 6 months ago, which I just graduated from. Now my dream is really getting closer and I cannot express how great of a feeling this is.

Yes, I am making my dream come true after 25 years in the making. So never give up on your dream. You will gain so much by never giving it up. Yes, I waited 25 years, but look at all the amazing things that happened in between. I do not regret one thing. This is what I call a journey. Live your life to the fullest and you will see it will not disappoint. Even if you are going through the most dreadful time of your life, always remember there is a big dream waiting for you.

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